Other Functions


Returns the specified error if the job-wrapped value is false.

'a -> job<bool> -> job<Result<unit, 'a>>`


Returns the specified error if the job-wrapped value is true.

'a -> job<bool> -> job<Result<unit, 'a>>`


Converts an job-wrapped Option to a Result, using the given error if None.

'a -> job<'b option> -> job<Result<'b, 'a>>`


Converts an job-wrapped Option to a Result, using the given error if Some.

'a -> job<'b option> -> job<Result<unit, 'a>>`


Converts an job-wrapped ValueOption to a Result, using the given error if ValueNone.

'a -> job<'b voption> -> job<Result<'b, 'a>>


Converts an job-wrapped ValueOption to a Result, using the given error if ValueSome.

'a -> job<'b voption> -> job<Result<unit, 'a>>


Returns Ok if the job-wrapped value and the provided value are equal, or the specified error if not. Same as requireEqualTo, but with a parameter order that fits normal function application better than piping.

'a -> job<'a> -> 'b -> job<Result<unit, 'b>>


Returns Ok if the job-wrapped value and the provided value are equal, or the specified error if not. Same as requireEqual, but with a parameter order that fits piping better than normal function application.

'a -> 'b -> job<'a> -> job<Result<unit, 'b>>


Returns Ok if the job-wrapped sequence is empty, or the specified error if not.

'a -> job<'b> -> job<Result<unit, 'a>>


Returns Ok if the job-wrapped sequence is non-empty, or the specified error if not.

'a -> job<'b> -> job<Result<unit, 'a>>


Returns the first item of the sequence if it exists, or the specified error if the sequence is empty

'a -> job<'b> -> job<Result<'c, 'a>>


Replaces an error value of an job-wrapped result with a custom error value

'a -> job<Result<'b, 'c>> -> job<Result<'b, 'a>>


Replaces a unit error value of an job-wrapped result with a custom error value. Safer than setError since you're not losing any information.

'a -> job<Result<'b, unit> -> job<Result<'b, 'a>>


Extracts the contained value of an job-wrapped result if Ok, otherwise uses the provided value.

'a -> job<Result<'a, 'b>> -> job<'a>


Extracts the contained value of an job-wrapped result if Ok, otherwise evaluates the given function and uses the result.

(unit -> 'a) -> job<Result<'a, 'b>> -> job<'a>


Same as defaultValue for a result where the Ok value is unit. The name describes better what is actually happening in this case.

job<Result<unit, 'a>> -> job<unit>


If the job-wrapped result is Ok, executes the function on the Ok value. Passes through the input value unchanged.

('a -> unit) -> job<Result<'a, 'b>> -> job<Result<'a, 'b>>


If the job-wrapped result is Error, executes the function on the Error value. Passes through the input value unchanged.

('a -> unit) -> job<Result<'b, 'a>> -> job<Result<'b, 'a>>


If the job-wrapped result is Ok and the predicate returns true for the wrapped value, executes the function on the Ok value. Passes through the input value unchanged.

('a -> bool) -> ('a -> unit) -> job<Result<'a, 'b>> -> job<Result<'a, 'b>>


If the job-wrapped result is Error and the predicate returns true for the wrapped value, executes the function on the Error value. Passes through the input value unchanged.

('a -> bool) -> ('a -> unit) -> job<Result<'b, 'a>> -> job<Result<'b, 'a>>


Converts a Result<Job<'a>, 'b> to Job<Result<'a, 'b>>.

Result<Job<'a>, 'b> -> Job<Result<'a, 'b>>

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