
Namespace: FsToolkit.ErrorHandling

Function Signature:

('a -> 'b -> 'c)
  -> Result<'a option, 'd>
  -> Result<'b option, 'd>
  -> Result<'c option, 'd>


Example 1

Given the following function:

let add : int -> int -> int

Then using ResultOption.map2, we can do the following:

ResultOption.map2 add (Ok (Some 40)) (Ok (Some 2)) 
// Ok (Some 42)

Example 2

Let's assume that we have the following types and functions in addition to what we defined in the Result.map2 example:

type CreatePostRequest = {
  Tweet : Tweet
  Location : Location option

// Tweet -> Location option -> CreatePostRequest
let createPostRequest tweet location =
  {Tweet = tweet; Location = location}

type CreatePostRequestDto = {
  Tweet : string
  Latitude : float option
  Longitude : float option

We can then create a function transforming a CreatePostRequestDto to a CreatePostRequest, using Option.traverseResult, ResultOption.map2, and Result.map2:

// CreatePostRequestDto -> Result<CreatePostRequest, string>
let toCreatePostRequest (dto : CreatePostRequestDto) = 

  // Result<Latitude option, string>
  let latR =
    |> Option.traverseResult Latitude.TryCreate

  // Result<Longitude option, string>
  let lngR =
    |> Option.traverseResult Longitude.TryCreate

  // Result<Location option, string>
  let locationR =
    ResultOption.map2 location.Create latR lngR

  // Result<Tweet, string>
  let tweetR = Tweet.TryCreate dto.Tweet

  // Result<CreatePostRequest, string>
  Result.map2 createPostRequest tweetR locationR

Note that this example can also be written using the result and resultOption computation expressions, which would allow you to skip the map2 functions. See for example the resultOption CE example.

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