// string -> Result<int, string>let tryParseInt str =match Int32.TryParse str with|true, x -> Ok x|false,_-> Error (sprintf "unable to parse '%s' to integer" str)["1";"2";"3"]|> List.traverseResultA tryParseInt// Ok [1; 2; 3]["1";"foo";"3";"bar"]|> List.traverseResultA tryParseInt// Error ["unable to parse 'foo' to integer";// "unable to parse 'bar' to integer"]
Example 2
// int -> Result<bool, string>let isPrime (x :int)=if x <2then sprintf "%i must be greater than 1" x |> Errorelif x =2then Ok trueelselet rec isPrime' (x :int)(i :int)=if i * i > x then Ok trueelif x % i =0then Ok falseelse isPrime' x (i +1) isPrime' x 2// int list -> Result<bool, string list> let checkIfAllPrime (numbers :int list)= numbers|> List.traverseResultA isPrime // Result<bool list, string list>|> Result.map (List.forall id)// shortened version of '|> Result.map (fun boolList -> boolList |> List.map (fun x -> x = true))'let a =[1;2;3;4;5;]|> checkIfAllPrime// Error ["1 must be greater than 1"]let b =[1;2;3;4;5;0;]|> checkIfAllPrime// Error ["1 must be greater than 1"; "0 must be greater than 1"]let a =[2;3;4;5;]|> checkIfAllPrime// Ok falselet a =[2;3;5;]|> checkIfAllPrime// Ok true