
Namespace: FsToolkit.ErrorHandling

Function Signature

seq<Result<'a, 'b>> -> Result<'a[], 'b>

This is monadic, stopping on the first error. Compare the example below with sequenceResultA.

See also Scott Wlaschin's Understanding traverse and sequence.


Example 1

// string -> Result<int, string>
let tryParseInt str =
  match Int32.TryParse str with
  | true, x -> Ok x
  | false, _ -> Error $"unable to parse '{str}' to integer"

["1"; "2"; "3"]
|> tryParseInt
|> Seq.sequenceResultM 
// Ok [| 1; 2; 3 |]

seq { "1"; "foo"; "3"; "bar" }
|> tryParseInt
|> Seq.sequenceResultM  
// Error "unable to parse 'foo' to integer"

Example 2

// int -> Result<bool, string>
let isPrime (x: int) =
    if x < 2 then Error $"{x} must be greater than 1"
    elif x = 2 then Ok true
        let rec isPrime' (x : int) (i : int) =
            if i * i > x then Ok true
            elif x % i = 0 then Ok false
            else isPrime' x (i + 1)
        isPrime' x 2
// int seq -> Result<bool, string[]>      
let checkIfAllPrime (numbers: seq<int>) =
    |> isPrime // seq<Result<bool, string>>
    |> Seq.sequenceResultM // Result<bool[], string>
    |> (Array.forall id) // shortened version of '|> (fun bools -> bools |> Array.forall (fun x -> x = true))'
let a = [ 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 ] |> checkIfAllPrime
// Error [| "1 must be greater than 1" |]

let b = [| 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 0 |] |> checkIfAllPrime
// Error [| "1 must be greater than 1" |]

let a = seq { 2; 3; 4; 5 } |> checkIfAllPrime
// Ok false

let a = [2; 3; 5;] |> checkIfAllPrime
// Ok true

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