
Namespace: FsToolkit.ErrorHandling

Function Signature

Result<'a, 'b> list -> Result<'a list, 'b list>

Note that sequence is the same as traverse id. See also List.traverseResultA.

This is applicative, collecting all errors. Compare the example below with sequenceResultM.

See also Scott Wlaschin's Understanding traverse and sequence.


Example 1

// string -> Result<int, string>
let tryParseInt str =
  match Int32.TryParse str with
  | true, x -> Ok x
  | false, _ -> 
    Error (sprintf "unable to parse '%s' to integer" str)

["1"; "2"; "3"]
|> tryParseInt
|> List.sequenceResultA
// Ok [1; 2; 3]

["1"; "foo"; "3"; "bar"]
|> tryParseInt
|> List.sequenceResultA
// Error ["unable to parse 'foo' to integer"; 
//        "unable to parse 'bar' to integer"]

Example 2

// int -> Result<bool, string>
let isPrime (x : int) =
    if x < 2 then 
        sprintf "%i must be greater than 1" x |> Error
        x = 2 then Ok true
        let rec isPrime' (x : int) (i : int) =
            if i * i > x then Ok true
            elif x % i = 0 then Ok false
            else isPrime' x (i + 1)
        isPrime' x 2
// int list -> Result<bool, string list>      
let checkIfAllPrime (numbers : int list) =
    |> isPrime // Result<bool, string> list
    |> List.sequenceResultA // Result<bool list, string list>
    |> (List.forall id) // shortened version of '|> (fun boolList -> boolList |> List.forall (fun x -> x = true))
let a = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5;] |> checkIfAllPrime
// Error ["1 must be greater than 1"]

let b = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 0;] |> checkIfAllPrime
// Error ["1 must be greater than 1"; "0 must be greater than 1"]

let a = [2; 3; 4; 5;] |> checkIfAllPrime
// Ok false

let a = [2; 3; 5;] |> checkIfAllPrime
// Ok true

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